Auburn Angel's Graphics

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How to Save Glitters

Need Help Saving Glitter Tiles?


All my Glitter Tiles are formatted in .gif format (all annimations are .gif files, otherwise they would not display the annimation)

To save Glitter files, simply rt click on the image and then click on 'save picture as'. Be sure you make note of where you save them on your pc so you can find them when you need them later.


Trouble saving the files in the correct gif format?


Some people report trouble saving my glitters. Specifically, the glitter files may save for you as .bmp files instead of the properly formatted .gif files.

I am aware of this problem, and it is not a format problem with my website or my files. This is a common problem people frequently experience when saving gif files online.


The problem described is a browser error. You are most likely experiencing this browser problem with your pc. Sometimes when people try to save annimated gif files online, the pc changes the format to bmp when saving. There are several work-arounds you can do to get your pc to save in the proper gif format, which all my glitter files are displayed in.

1. First, try clicking 'refresh' on your browser each time your pc changes the format from a .gif file to a .bmp file. That should fix the problem in most cases.

2. If that doesnt work, you may have to re-boot your pc.

3. If that still doesnt work, you may need to update your browser. IE6 works fine saving gif files, although you will occasionally need to click 'refresh' if you are saving a lot of files.

If you Use Windows and need to update your browser, visit Microsoft Website below to upgrade your browser free

Microsoft IE 6 Download page


4. If all of the above methods still fail to work for you, then you can always e-mail each glitter tile to your own e-mail addy. To do this, just rt click on a glitter tile, select 'e-mail picture to' and send the file to yourself.

If none of the above methods work for you, sorry, I do not have any more work-arounds that I am aware of. Please do not e-mail me to ask me how to save if you have tried all these methods and they have failed.

*NOTE: I do have my entire Glitter collection available on CD plus a few bonus Glitters not displayed on my site. Cost is $5.00 plus shipping and handling. You may e-mail me if you would like to purchase a CD from me.

E-mail Me to request Glitter CD


12/05 update... People have reported that Firefox browser seems to work with no problems downloading the glitter files. You can download Firefox for free, set it up as your supplemental browser (or default browser if you prefer). Users of Firefox report that they have had no problems with running two browser programs.

Download Firefox Browser

*To share my graphics or glitters, please direct people to my webpage:

Auburn Angel's Graphics

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